ManşetNorth Cyprus

Arıklı received officials of the National Struggle Foundation

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı met with the President of the National Struggle Foundation Aziz Gülbahar and the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Speaking during the visit the President of the National Struggle Foundation Aziz Gülbahar demanded that a resolution supporting a two-state solution be adopted in the Republic’s Assembly and support be given to the steps towards a two-state solution.

He also emphasized the importance of giving Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) citizens living abroad the right to vote through legislation.

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı for his part said that it is also their desire to support a parliamentary decision to support a two-state policy based on equal sovereignty.

Stating that a strong step should be taken on this issue on the 50th anniversary of the Peace Operation, Arıklı announced that they will take an initiative at the government level.

Stating that they also agree on giving the right to vote to Turkish Cypriots living abroad, Arıklı drew attention to the fact that in democratic countries, citizens abroad are given the right to vote.

Expressing their discontent with the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy to Cyprus Maria Angela Holguin’s “excessive activities” on the Island, Arıklı reminded that Holguin did not meet with the YDP and said, “If she does not take into account the opinions of the people we represent, we do not want her. She has completed her mission. She should return home as soon as possible.”

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