ManşetNorth Cyprus

Çavuşoğlu and Arıklı in Kyrgyzstan

The Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu and Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı are in Kyrgyzstan.

The ministers attended the “4th International Communication Symposium” within the scope of their contacts.

The Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu and the Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı attended the 4th International Communication Symposium on “Disinformation in the Digital Age” organized by the Faculty of Communication of Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University.

In his speech at the symposium, Minister Çavuşoğlu stated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has turned its face to the world and is working with all its strength to catch up with European standards, and said that they see it as a national goal to cooperate with Turkic states and share experiences.

Stating that an important cooperation protocol will be signed between Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and Manas University and Lefke Avrupa University (LAU) and Arabayev State University, Çavuşoğlu said, “We want our students to study in larger geographies and develop their vision.”

Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı during his speech at the symposium stated that every state that declared its independence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union was recognized, but the TRNC, which was established 50 years ago, is still not recognized.

“Even the Turkic Republics are hesitant about this issue. However, the TRNC is the Eastern Mediterranean frontier of the Turkic World. This state which belongs to the Turkish Cypriots also belongs to the Turks is Central Asia”.brt

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