ManşetNorth Cyprus

Contract signed for the construction of Champion Angels monument

A significant milestone was reached with the signing of a contract for the implementation of the Champion Angels Monument, set to be constructed at the Sulu Roundabout in Gazimağusa.

The monument will be constructed in honour of the 35 members of the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif Kolej’s (Secondary Schools) volleyball team who died in the February 6, 2023 earthquake in Adıyaman Türkiye.

The team is posthumously colloquially known as the Champion Angels.

The project, which is a collaboration between Gazimağusa Municipality, the Union of the Chambers of the Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, and the Champion Angels Memorial Association, is expected to be completed by 2025.

The monument design was selected through a competition organized by the aforementioned entities.

Following the signing of the contract, the project will move forward with the architectural, landscaping, and engineering application phases.

After these stages, the tender documents for the construction process will be prepared.

At the signing ceremony, Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay expressed his confidence in the project’s timely progress and extended his gratitude to the government and all organizations involved for their support.

He emphasized that the monument will be completed as planned.

Seran Aysal, President of the Union of Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, highlighted the importance of continued collaboration in the project’s next phases.

He affirmed their commitment to ensuring the monument is realized as soon as possible.

Ruşen Yücesoylu Karakaya, President of the Champion Angels Memorial Association, expressed her happiness that the project had reached the next stage.

“The names and memories of our angels will forever be remembered and honoured throughout Cyprus,” she said, adding that every effort will be made to ensure justice is served for them.

Abide Başman Eryaşar, Head of the Gazimağusa Municipality’s Project, Public Works, and Planning Department, confirmed that the project is on track to be fully completed in 2025.

This monumental initiative is set to serve as a lasting tribute to the champion angels, ensuring their legacy is preserved for generations to come. brt

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