Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rapporteur for Maraş Piero Fassino visited the city on Wednesday, marking his second visit to Cyprus since undertaking the role.
Fassino who arrived on the island on Monday, crossed over to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on Wednesday to visit Maraş.
He was accompanied by the PACE’s two Turkish Cypriot observers, Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu of ruling party the National Unity Party (UBP) and Armağan Candan of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP), as well as Gazimağusa Mayor Suleyman Uluçay.
Speaking after his visit, he said he hopes Maraş will once again become a “living town”, and that “of course, this is something which can happen with the agreement of the two parties concerned.”
In addition, he expressed his belief that reaching a solution to the Cyprus problem “with the help of the United Nations”, is an imperative.
Fassino also said that the findings from his visit will be compiled into a report, which will be submitted to the PACE’s next assembly at the end of June.
His report will then be voted on by the PACE’s members.
Also speaking during the visit, CTP MP Armağan Candan said that while the votes will not bind any member state, “it is expected that all the Council of Europe’s member states take the vote, and thus the findings of the report, into consideration.”
Hasipoğlu also spoke to press after the meeting, thanking Fassino for “listening to both sides” before preparing his report.
“We have two observers who attend the political committee meetings of the PACE. Of course, we will raise our own objections to elements in the report which we may not like, but it is important that the Council of Europe at least listens to both sides regarding the Cyprus problem,” he added.
Hasipoğlu expressed his view that the issue of Maraş was more than just a matter concerning ownership of immovable properties.
He said that what needed to be discussed was the unjust embargoes and isolation of Turkish Cypriots.
“It is time we end the term fenced-off town of Maraş and use the area for the benefit of the whole island. I would like to stress once again that we have not violated UN Security Council resolutions, politically or legally. We will present our views on the matter in writing in two weeks time. We shall demand that the committee produces a just and objective decision at the Oslo meeting,” he said.brt