The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) criticized the current two-state policy that is being carried out on the Cyprus issue.
CTP leader Tufan Erhürman said, the main goal of our struggle is the confirmation of our equal international status.
Issuing a written statement titled “Equal International Status and Rejection of Trilateral Talks” the leader of the Republican Turkish Party Tufan Erhürman said the main goal of the struggle of the Turkish Cypriot people is the confirmation of their equal international status, which will come with a solution.
Noting that it will bring the Turkish Cypriot people together with the international community and the law as one of the two equal founding partners on thebrt island, Erhürman said, “This is the basis of our request that it be made clear in advance that there will be no return to the status quo if a new negotiation table to be established is once again disrupted due to the Greek Cypriot leadership dragging their feet”.
He also noted that today “equal international status” is put forward as a precondition for the start of negotiations, and that this does not mean the demand for the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus arguing that the Turkish Cypriot people have been reduced to the position of a party that does not want a solution.
The CTP leader claimed that the current attitude of the Turkish Cypriot side, which “refuses even an engagement of dialogue between the two leaders under the auspices of the UN”, does not carry the people forward in the struggle for “equal international status” and is incompatible with their will and demands.
He called for the current policy and attitude to be abandoned immediately.