The leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Tufan Erhürman, stated that an agreement could be reached on the Haspolat and Akıncılar crossing points in a way that would not create a “buffer zone” debate, following the logic of previous crossing points.
CTP leader Tufan Erhürman evaluated the eight points that have come to the fore regarding the Cyprus issue.
He pointed out that on one hand, there is the proposal for the Haspolat and Akıncılar crossing points, and on the other hand, there are eight points, including these two, even though Akıncılar might be slightly contentious.
He stated that the real issue here is whether the aim is to make progress, take action, and create a positive atmosphere.
Erhürman emphasized that if progress is desired, the formula is clear: it involves immediately starting with proposals that can be implemented in the fastest and smoothest way possible and that will not pose problems for either side.
“There’s no need for long discussions about all the proposals,” Erhürman said.
He said an agreement can be reached on the Haspolat and Akıncılar crossing points in a way that would not create a ‘buffer zone’ debate, following the logic of previous crossing points.
Commenting on the “Youth Technical Committee” and “Civil Society Advisory Board” proposals, which they understand were brought to the table by the Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Hristodoulides, Erhürman evaluated these as issues that do not require significant content discussions or prior preparations.
He suggested that these could also be accepted and that the first package could be implemented and called for action.brt