ManşetNorth Cyprus

Ertuğruloğlu speaks to AA on July 20th anniversary

Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu emphasized that July 20, 1974, marks the birth and the renewed connection to life for Turkish Cypriots.

He stated that the Cyprus Peace Operation not only brought peace, tranquillity, and security to Turkish Cypriots but also brought peace to the Greek Cypriots and led to the fall of the military junta in Greece, paving the way for civilian rule.

In an interview with Anadolu Agency on the 50th anniversary of the 1974 Turkish Peace Operation, Ertuğruloğlu remarked on the significance of the intervention, executed under international law and Türkiye’s rights as a guarantor.

He highlighted that on that day, Turkish soldiers and Cypriot fighters prevented Cyprus from becoming a Greek island, averting a fate similar to that of Crete.

Minister Ertuğruloğlu underscored that the Turkish military landing 50 years ago not only thwarted the dreams of turning Cyprus into a Greek island but also fundamentally changed regional dynamics.

He noted that the operation brought peace to both the Turkish and Greek sides of Cyprus and contributed to the overthrow of the military junta in Greece, leading to the establishment of civilian governance.

Ertuğruloğlu described July 20 as a historic day that redefined all relations in the Mediterranean and opened the path to the Blue Homeland.

“July 20, 1974, is, in a sense, the birthday and the date of reattachment to life for Turkish Cypriots. Therefore, it is important not only for us but for the entire Turkish world,” he said.

Criticizing the United Nations Security Council resolutions and the European Union’s embargoes and restrictions on the TRNC, Ertuğruloğlu pointed out that the Greek Cypriots were admitted to the EU by violating EU rules and principles, a mistake that can no longer be rectified.

He emphasized that the UN and EU punish Turkish Cypriots instead of the Greek Cypriots and continue their psychological games against the TRNC.

Ertuğruloğlu also noted that some EU member states try to instil a sense of guilt in Turkish Cypriots by creating the perception that “we are at fault.”

He declared that despite all the embargoes, restrictions, and games, the TRNC will live forever with the motherland Türkiye.


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