The 50th anniversary of the liberation of Gazimağusa was celebrated with two separate ceremonies held in the city on Thursday.
The first ceremony took place at the Victory Monument near the walled city.
The ceremony began with the placement of wreaths at the monument, followed by a minutes silence and the raising of flags to the National Anthem.
A second ceremony was held at the İsmet İnönü Boulevard with an annual military parade followed by the recitation of poems and speeches.
President Ersin Tatar, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre, high level military officials and the public attended the ceremony here.

The first speech was delivered by the 4th Infantry Regiment Commands First Lieutenant Ömer Şaban who expressed honour and happiness in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Gazimağusa’s liberation.

The Mayor of Gazimağusa Süleyman Uluçay for his part noted that 50 years ago today the Mücahits (Turkish Cypriot fighters) and Mehmetçiks (Turkish fighters) joined forces and liberated the area and stated that this should never be forgotten.

Also delivering a speech, President Ersin Tatar stated that the Mehmetçiks came to Gazimağusa 50 years ago and liberated the people.
Underlining that the presence of Turkish soldiers on the island is indispensable, Tatar said, “We will continue to keep the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) alive with determination.”
He said thanks to the struggle, Gazimağusa regained its freedom and with the July 20, 1974 Peace Operation, the current borders of the TRNC were drawn.
President Tatar, who expressed his gratitude to the Republic of Türkiye in his speech, stated that Gazimağusa, which is the city of Veterans, is also the city of Angels and commemorated all martyrs and Champion Angels.

The ceremony ended with a parade after the performance of the Gazimağusa Municipality folk dance group and a mini concert.brt