ManşetNorth Cyprus

MAKS Project

As part of the Spatial Address Registration System (MAKS) Project, the infrastructure updates for local administrators’ offices are underway, including the completion of computer installations and addressing other deficiencies.

A briefing and consultation meeting was held to discuss the progress of this initiative, which also aims to integrate the project with the e-Government system.

The meeting was attended by President Ersin Tatar, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, and Türkiye’s Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Yasin Ekrem Serim.

The Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Yasin Ekrem Serim emphasized the importance of keeping pace with the digital age, noting that Türkiye has provided 779 million TL in support for TRNC’s digitalization and e-Government initiatives since their inception.

He announced that the e-Government Gateway mobile application would soon be accessible to Turkish Cypriots, further advancing digital transformation.

Serim also highlighted the vital role of local administrators (muhtars) in modernizing public services through digital systems.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel detailed his government’s efforts to address the needs of muhtars, including improvements to salaries, which are now set at 95% of the minimum wage, and upgrades to existing offices.

He acknowledged the support of Türkiye and its Lefkoşa Embassy in addressing longstanding issues, providing container offices for mukhtars without buildings, and planning further enhancements to office infrastructure.

President Ersin Tatar praised the progress of the e-Government project, made possible with Türkiye’s support, as a significant step toward achieving digital transformation.

He noted that improving local office infrastructure would enhance the quality and efficiency of services, enabling faster and more secure access to data.

President Tatar also highlighted the importance of providing consular services to Turkish Cypriots abroad, announcing that TRNC citizens in Melbourne and Sydney would now have access to these services, underscoring the growing reach of TRNC’s statehood. brt


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