ManşetNorth Cyprus

MFA slams PACE resolution on Maraş

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Tuesday, slamming the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s (PACE) latest resolution on the fenced-off town of Maraş.

“Despite Turkish Cypriot efforts to provide constructive input, the resolution largely reflects the influence of the Greek Cypriot side, who exerted considerable pressure on both the rapporteur and committee members,” a statement from the foreign ministry read.

The TRNC Foreign Ministry expressed strong dissatisfaction with the resolution, criticizing it for distorting historical facts and ignoring the atrocities and human rights violations suffered by Turkish Cypriots.

It argues that the resolution perpetuates the false perception that Greek Cypriots are the sole victims in the Cyprus issue and demonstrates the Council of Europe’s alignment with the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC).

The Ministry highlighted that the resolution confirms the Immovable Property Commission (IPC) established to review property claims by Greek Cypriots, is recognized by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as an effective domestic legal remedy.

Additionally, the resolution explicitly references the isolations imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people.

The Ministry also condemned the resolution for including unfounded allegations against the TRNC and for overlooking the responsibility of Greek Cypriot leadership for the ongoing deadlock in reaching a comprehensive settlement.

The TRNC reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining the effectiveness of the Immovable Property Commission, which safeguards property rights within the country.

Maraş, located within the borders of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), remains under full TRNC sovereignty. The statement furthermore said that the opening of Maraş has been designed to respect property rights under international law and the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Foreign Ministry criticized PACE’s call for the resumption of political processes based on tried and failed models for Cyprus as disingenuous.

It stated that genuine contributions to lasting peace on the island require all parties to recognize the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people.

The Ministry declared that it is high time for PACE to support a two-state solution that reflects the current realities on the island, and to unequivocally call for the lifting of embargoes and isolations against the Turkish Cypriot people without preconditions.

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