Starting on Sunday, the Palestine On Screen Film Festival begins with presentations of a diverse array of films, documentaries, shorts and dramas that vividly portray the Palestinian narrative, highlighting its struggles and resilience. Different locations in Nicosia will host the film screenings organised by Genocide-Free Cyprus, which are free to attend.
The festival provides a platform for visionary storytellers and ground-breaking works to be featured, offering a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss Palestine through the art of cinema and to celebrate the richness of Palestinian culture.
The first screening on this Sunday at Mikri Arktos showing the short film Oceans of Justice and then The Salt of This Sea. On June 16, the movie nights will move to the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum of Nicosia starting the night with the short film The Present and the documentary Foragers. The museum will also host the following screening on June 23 showcasing Over the Wall and 200 Meters. The final Sunday will move to Home for Cooperation to host the short film Ismail and Three Nights in Haifa.
Palestinian film screenings. Every Sunday in June. Mikri Arktos, Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum of Nicosia and Home for Cooperation. 8.30pm. Free. [email protected]
(cyprus mail)