A significant signing ceremony took place yesterday in Gazimağusa for the construction of an education campus to honour the memory of the “Champion Angels,” who tragically lost their lives in the February 6 earthquake.
The group was made up of the Gazimağusa Turk Maarif Koleji (TMK) school volleyball team and was in Adiyaman for a tournament.
Following their deaths, the team received the nickname “champion angels”.
The event marked the signing of the “Champion Angels Educational Campus National Architectural Competition Protocol” between Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, the Champion Angels Memorial Association, and other key officials.
Prime Minister Üstel, during his address, said that the educational campus would be built with unity and cooperation, sparing no effort to ensure its completion.
Thursday’s signing ceremony took place at the Mağusa Arena, where Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu, head of the Union of the Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects Seran Aysal, and President of the Champion Angels Memorial Association Ruşen Karakaya signed the protocol.
Attendees included Interior Minister Dursun Oğuz, Health Minister Dr. Hakan Dinçyürek, Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay, and several other officials.

Ruşen Karakaya, head of the Champion Angels Memorial Association, reflected on the 19-month struggle since the tragic event and emphasized their ongoing pursuit of justice for the Champion Angels.
She reaffirmed the association’s commitment to building an educational campus to keep their memory alive, stating, “This protocol marks the first step towards fulfilling this promise. Everything we do is for our Champion Angels.”
Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay highlighted the significance of the initiative and expressed gratitude for the sense of unity that has persisted since the disaster, calling it the sole source of solace amidst the tragedy.
He hoped this unity would continue.
President of the Union of the Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects Seran Aysal voiced his pride in taking on such a profound responsibility.
He emphasized that the Champion Angels had reminded the community of the importance of solidarity, and he expressed confidence that this unity would continue as the project progressed.
Also speaking, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel highlighted the emotional significance of the day.
He reiterated the promise made to the Champion Angels in the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake in Türkiye and pledged that “they will never be forgotten.”
Üstel outlined plans for an educational campus to memorialize the angels, to be built with the collaboration of various sectors, ensuring that no sacrifices would be spared.
He also noted that the pursuit of justice remains ongoing and emphasized the TRNC’s trust in Türkiye’s legal system.
“We have closely followed the justice process and will continue to do so,” he said.
Üstel added that discussions with Türkiye’s government officials about the legal process were frequent and that the names of the Champion Angels would live on through both a memorial and the upcoming educational complex.
Following the speeches, the protocol was signed by all parties, and a commemorative photo was taken.