President Ersin Tatar paid tribute to the Leader of Freedom and Independence, Dr. Fazıl Küçük, and his comrades with respect, gratitude, and mercy.
Stressing that the sacred struggle initiated by Dr. Küçük would never be forgotten and would be passed down from generation to generation, the President added that Dr. Fazıl Küçük would live forever in the hearts of the Turkish Cypriot people.
In his message, Tatar honoured Dr. Fazıl Küçük, all his comrades who sacrificed their lives for the national struggle, and the martyrs with respect, gratitude, and mercy.
Noting that the sacred struggle launched by Dr. Küçük with great faith and determination, enduring every kind of sacrifice, would never be forgotten and would be passed down from generation to generation, the President reiterated that Dr. Fazıl Küçük would live forever in the hearts of the Turkish Cypriot people.
Stating that they would never give up on the state, sovereignty, the motherland Türkiye, and Turkish soldiers, Tatar said, “We will continue to live freely, independently, and in sovereignty in these lands we call our homeland. We will not allow the sacred values entrusted to us to be trampled underfoot.”
In his message, Tatar also stressed that they were in favour of a permanent, just, and sustainable agreement on the Cyprus issue, adding that the path to this lay in the solution proposal based on two separate states.
Calling on the Greek Cypriot side to abandon its anti-solution stance and to respond positively to calls for dialogue, he stressed that the Turkish Cypriot people have equal rights to the Greek Cypriots and would never give up on these rights.
Calling on the international community to recognize the realities of Cyprus and to abandon their discriminatory and unjust attitudes, President Tatar stressed that there were two separate peoples and two separate states in Cyprus, a reality that cannot be ignored. BRT