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Tatar continues contacts in New York

President Ersin Tatar is continuing to hold contacts as part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly.

As part of his schedule, Tatar attended the 15th Türkiye Investment Conference, hosted by the Türkiye-US Business Council at the New York Public Library.

Upon arrival at the conference, President Tatar was welcomed by Murat Özyeğin, the President of the Türkiye-US Business Council, alongside other officials.

He received updates on the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce, the US-Türkiye Business Roundtable, and trade relations between Turkish and American businesses.

During his remarks, President Ersin Tatar emphasized the importance of fostering stronger ties through business and collaboration across different sectors for a sustainable future.

He described the Türkiye-US Business Council as a vital platform for forming strategic partnerships and facilitating commercial and economic relations between various sectors.

President Tatar met with several members of the Turkish-American business community and extended an invitation to invest in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

He highlighted the significant potential of the TRNC in key industries such as tourism, construction, and higher education.

Additionally, Tatar held discussions with Türkiye’s Ambassador to the US, Sedat Önal, and members of the press.

President Tatar’s trip will culminate in a meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on September 28. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30pm TRNC time.

Following his diplomatic engagements, President Tatar is expected to return to the TRNC on Sunday, September 29, at 8pm.brt

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