ManşetNorth Cyprus

TURKPA Health Commission Chairs meeting

The 2nd Meeting of the Health Commission Chairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States was held in Azerbaijan.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was represented at the meeting by Filiz Besim, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative, Public and Health Affairs Committee of the Republic’s Assembly.

The National Assembly of Azerbaijan held a meeting titled “Climate Change and Health: Legislative Intervention in the Health Impacts of Climate Change” at the Azerbaijani National Assembly and the possibilities of cooperation between Turkic states in preventing the health impacts of climate change were discussed.

The meeting was attended by Vedat Bilgin, Chairman of the Committee on Health, Family, Labor and Social Affairs of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Ehliman Emiraslanov, Chairman of the Health Committee of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan, Vinera Raimbachayeva, Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Kyrgyz Parliament, Bahrom Abdullayev, Chairman of the Committee on Science, Education and Health Issues of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and Filiz Besim, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Administrative, Public and Health Affairs of the TRNC Parliament.

In her speech at the meeting Filiz Besim the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Administrative, Public and Health Affairs of the TRNC Parliament drew attention to the water and healthy food problems in the world and stated that these global problems should be solved through joint efforts.

Vedat Bilgin, Chairman of the Health, Family, Labor and Social Affairs Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (TGNA), said that the environment has been polluted by humans and the consequences of this pollution also affect humans.

“As the Turkic world, we must protect our future and our lineage. We need to cooperate with an understanding that will restore a healthy relationship with nature, atmosphere and climate,” said Bilgin.

Chairman of the Health Committee of the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan Ehliman Emiraslanov emphasized that climate change is a factor directly affecting human health adding “As Turkic states, we have to adapt our health systems to the effects of climate change.”brt

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